The story follows book shy Taylor (Hannah Arterton) reuniting with her wilder sister Maddie (Annabel Scholey) in Puglia, Italy after graduating university. Discovering that Maddie's marrying her old summer fling Raf (Giulio Berruti), she decides to hide the relationship for her sister's sake despite obvious chemistry still lingering between them. Meanwhile, Maddie has to put up with her ex Doug's (Greg Wise) advances while friends Elena, Enrico, Mikey and Lil try hiding Taylor and Raf's relationship leading up to the wedding. Oh and it has an 80s soundtrack, did I forget to mention that?

While anywhere in Italy is beautiful to watch, the uninspired directing and low budget costumes ruin the experience of. With obnoxious lens flare during Raf and Taylor's romance on the beach in the opening, I was expecting them to break into Summer Nights while cross cutting between Taylor at university and Raf in Puglia. The dance sequences don't help either because they're filmed so flatly and feel as robotic and arbitrary as the story. They don't have a function in giving the characters a chance to express themselves, and it's so distracting when you see the background extras getting ready to boogie the night away, that they make mall flash mobs look more sporadic. The Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go dance party ending is especially horrible as it makes the dance party ending in From Justin to Kelly look like the dance numbers from the 2016 Half a Sixpence revival (I know, an oddly specific comparative, but the choreography was some of the best I'd ever seen and needed to give it a shout out because I've always been bitter over its Olivier snubs and early closure) and doesn't really help wrap the story up.
I probably would've been forgiving if the movie had a likeable cast to bring some charm, campiness and self awareness to the stock story and characters, but it doesn't even have that. Everybody is the Aldi equivalent of other high profile actors with terrible singing to boot. Hannah Arterton as Soph-I mean Taylor, has no personality other than sniping at Raf and supporting her sister with mediocre singing to match her blandness. While Maddie has a bit more personality with her sporadic decision to marry Raf after five weeks (who the hell does that?), her lack of development until her last minute decision to not get married because she realized she went to Italy to "find herself" comes right out of nowhere and doesn't match her character besides being the best way to resolve the love triangle to avoid any hard feelings with Taylor. Raf is just a very sexy and well chiseled blank slate we know nothing about and feels more like an object for the audience to ogle. However, the worst of them has to be Greg Wise as Doug. Despite attempting to emulate Pierce Brosnan, he comes across as a creepy douchebag while pursuing Maddie, which begs the question how did she put up with him for five seconds, let alone five years? The rest of the cast are just useless best friend stereotypes who are terrible liars to Maddie despite her obliviousness. The closest to star power among the friends (and the entire movie) is X Factor winner Leona Lewis as Elaina, who has the best singing from the cast, but her acting doesn't have much to be desired and has a pregnancy subplot that is quickly forgotten until the very end. Behind her would be comedienne Katy Brand as Lil, who does nothing but to be a Rebel Wilson knock-off and make sex jokes because of her job as an erotic fiction writer (and hopefully not friends with EL James).
Walking on Sunshine is such a shameless attempt to Mamma Mia, it hinges on being so bad it's good because of its laughable attempts at being on par with its namesake. A bargain bin version in every aspect with a tone deaf cast in acting, singing and dimensionality, a cliched plot even by rom com standards and uninspired musical numbers, they can't bring the charm and campiness to. With, this movie is a complete waste of time unless you're looking for something to laugh at with your friends.
Rating: * 1/2
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