5) Jean Valjean's death from Les Miz! I found it so sad that with his whole life after being in prison was about redeeming himself, he had to die almost alone. Also, what made it worse was that he dies on Marius & Cosette's wedding night, which is really when she needs him most!
6) Christine's death from Love Never Dies! This just shows the best & worst way to die is in the arms of the man you've loved all your life, even if she was already married to an abusive man & cheated on him resulting with a love child & was shot by her best friend in a sudden rage!
7) Mickey & Eddie's deaths from Blood Brothers! I counted them as one since they die at the same time by accident, with Mickey killing Eddie being practically the same as Meg killing Christine in Love Never Dies, since they're both waving guns around & are coaxed for a short time before going into a rage with jealousy & therefore accidentally triggering the guns! I was crying so hard when the twins died the moment they found out the truth, even though I saw it coming since the prologue showed them dying.
8) Nancy's death from Oliver! It's so sad she had to be clubbed to death by the man she loves, when he thinks she betrays him when she really saved him from being caught out, in order to save Oliver so he can be reunited with his family!
9) The first suicide on the list, Judas' death from Jesus Christ Superstar. His death is just amazing & symbolic since his ongoing guilt for betraying Jesus will always be with him & basically showing he was talked into betraying Jesus for money & that he'd regret for the rest of his life.
10) All the death scenes from Sweeney Todd! I just think it's cool virtually all the deaths are done by slitting throats & I always wonder how it's done on-stage. However I think a major one is Todd & Lucy's deaths because of the regret Todd feels when he realises he killed his beloved wife because he was consumed with revenge for what happened 15 years prior when he was separated from Lucy & his then infant daughter Johanna.