Saturday, 22 September 2012

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Just found new featurette for Les Miserables movie & it looks so good!

Musical Couples I Love/Hate!

Musical Couples I Love!
1) Christine & the Phantom! Their amazing voices are perfect & who wouldn't want to be with a truly romantic & protective & sympathetic man who is basically sex on legs!
Also, it seemed clear Christine would've chosen him over Raoul if it weren't for the Phantom's insistence that she leave him, judging by the kiss in the 25th Anniversary concert!

2) Eponine & Marius! I think they would've been perfect together if it weren't for that little bitch Cosette & Marius' blindness! Also, I much prefer Eponine's character to Cosette & she is just a stupid spoilt ingénue who just steals Marius away from Eponine, who clearly deserves him more than her!

3) Angel & Collins! I do support homosexual couples & this is definitely one of them! They were perfect for each other & I gotta say, Angel did look good! I was crying on the inside when she died! WHY ANGEL!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE!?

Musical Couples I Hate!
1) Christine & Raoul! She clearly made a huge mistake going with the pompous & controlling Raoul since he ended up becoming an alcoholic gambler! Also, it was clear Raoul wanted merely Christine as a trophy wife with all the money she's making with her singing career!

2) Marius & Cosette! I hate them because they're annoying together and I hate the whole 'love at first sight' concept & the fact they don't even know each other bugs me since they only knew each other for 5 minutes & decide they'll always be together!

3) Anthony & Johanna! I just think she only wanted to be with Anthony so she could escape from marrying Judge Turpin, which in itself is just creepy! Also, during Kiss Me Johanna does state about not knowing Anthony's name and Johanna to me is just a creepy stalker song! Then again, I'd rather be with Anthony than the man who you know as father who wants to marry you even if he raped your mother!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Top 5 Best & Worst Fantines in Les Miz!

Top 5 Best Fantines
1) Fantine & Eponine, Lea Salonga! Her voice is so beautiful, yet powerful & very emotional during I Dreamed A Dream & Fantine's Arrest which made me have tears in my eyes during the 25th Anniversary concert!

2) London & Broadway star, Sierra Boggess! I've only heard audio clips of her, but I think she sounds amazing & she certainly looks the part, even if she'll always be my Christine & Ariel! Rather ironic her real life fiancé & co-star Tam Mutu arrests her & is just a horrible bastard towards her when they're really in love!

3) London Fantine, Rebecca Seale! I saw her as Fantine last year & she was amazing during I Dreamed A Dream & she was so lovely when I met her afterwards. She was actually the first actress I'd ever met at a stage door for a show & she was so lovely & nice! I guess all Fantines are the nicest actresses to meet, like Sierra Boggess (see previous post to see what I'm talking about!)!

4) 10th Anniversary Fantine, Ruthie Henshall! I thought her Fantine was so emotional in all the right places, especially during Fantine's Arrest & Come to Me!

5) 2012 film fantine, Anne Hathaway! From what I've heard from the trailer, she sounds amazing & I did listen to her sing On My Own during the Oscars which she clearly showed her singing talents in, but I could also see the emotional side to her crying-singing which actually worked for me instead of being over the top. Also, very sacrificing to actually have all her hair chopped off instead of wearing a wig!

Top 5 Worst Fantines
1) Madalena Alberto from the 25th Anniversary UK Tour. I just didn't picture her as Fantine at all & I hated her singing voice during I Dreamed A Dream & her acting skills were horrible during Fantine's Death & I didn't think she showed enough emotion or sympathy towards the character.

2) 2006 Broadway Revival Fantine & original Mimi from Rent, Daphne Rubin-Vega. As much as I loved her voice in Rent, I didn't think it suited Fantine & I hated they changed the key at the end of the song I Dreamed A Dream for her voice.

3) 25th Anniversary US Tour Fantine, Betsy Morgan. I just think she was too quick singing I Dreamed A Dream & just wanted to get it out of the way!

4) Hollywood Bowl Production Fantine, Melora Hardin. I think her voice was too weak while singing I Dreamed A Dream & I think she was too old to play Fantine. Also, I couldn't stand her vibrato on the build up to the climax of I Dreamed A Dream.

5) Original London Fantine, Patti Lupone. I just couldn't stand her voice at all & she just didn't look like the young & innocent Fantine to me, with her wig being way too curly & not suiting her at all. Maybe I just don't like her in general because I heard her in the revival of Gypsy & I didn't like her then.