Let's go back to 1990. With Phantom's worldwide success destined to make it a classic, the first was composer Andrew Lloyd Webber talking with costume designer Marie Bjornson. He got the idea that the sequel would take place in 20th century New York, at first in Manhattan before changing it to Coney Island after watching a documentary about its freak shows and carnivals, which he thought would make the Phantom's perfect playground. The first glimpse we got of Love Never Dies was through the song "A Heart is Slow to Learn," sung by Kiri Te Tanawa at Andrew Lloyd Webber's 50th birthday celebration at the Royal Albert Hall. Gradually, the song became "Our Kind of Love" for the 2002 musical The Beautiful Game, which he worked on with Ben Elton (who's best known for writing We Will Rock You, Blackadder and left-wing parody comedy sketches). If you don't believe me about the melodies being identical to Love Never Dies, then feel free to listen to both clips below. I think it's safe to say it's like Disney's bizarre tendency to recycle animation in their 70's movies.
When coming up with the story in the 90's, Webber collaborated with author and journalist Frederick Forsyth. However, Andrew soon realized the material they came up with wouldn't translate well onstage. Deciding to leave the Phantom sequel on the back burner, Forsyth eventually published a book version called The Phantom of Manhattan in 1999. I've never read it, nor do I intend on reading it, but I think it's safe to say the guy who was a former spy and wrote thriller novels wasn't the best person to collaborate with for a romantic stage musical. Despite the fallout, Forsyth was still credited as one of the show's writers when it opened.
As the years went on and moved onto other projects, Andrew decided to return to the Phantom sequel in 2006, working with numerous writers and directors who couldn't help him with translating the material onstage (sound familiar?). He was finally approached by Ben Elton in 2007, where they decided to focus on the original characters instead of the new ones created for The Phantom of Manhattan. When looking for a lyricist, that wasn't as easy as you'd expect. Approaching Glenn Slater (best known for his collaborations with Alan Menken including Home on the Range, Tangled and the Broadway adaptation of The Little Mermaid), he at first wasn't convinced. In fact, he called it a terrible idea. However, Slater but still decided to work with him and come up with the clumsiest lyrics ever.
Despite the plans to move forward in 2007, production was delayed. Why? Andrew's cat accidentally deleted all of the music which he was halfway through finishing. Trying to compose from memory, even Andrew admitted he didn't believe he got all of it right. Given that some of it was recycled from the aggressively mediocre The Woman in White (believe me, the 2017 London revival I saw had no changes except for the improved visuals and ending where a heartbroken Marion has a grave erected for Anna), the aforementioned Beautiful Game and the 2004 Joel Schumacher film adaptation, it's safe to say Webber's streak of recycling music from previous shows hadn't changed. And as evidenced by the number of cut songs featured in the original cast recording, he clearly didn't know when enough was enough.
The first actual glimpse of Love Never Dies (then titled Phantom: Once Upon Another Time) was in 2008 during Andrew's annual Sydmonton festival, with Ramin Karimloo (who gained notoriety for his portrayal of The Phantom in the original show at the time) as The Phantom and Alistair Robbins as Raoul. The official announcement came during his 60th Birthday in the Park celebration, where he revealed the show was retitled Love Never Dies. A press conference followed at Her Majesty's Theatre in 2009, announcing the leads Sierra Boggess (who played the role in the Las Vegas Spectacular production) as Christine and the aforementioned Ramin Karimloo, featuring previews of the title song, Til I Hear You Sing and The Coney Island Waltz.
However, even the rehearsals and lead-up weren't without their problems. Various issues caused delays and tension for everyone including orchestration issues, Andrew being threatened a £20,000 fine for illegally painting the Adelphi Theatre black, re-recording the soundtrack, replacing actors (including Hadley Fraser as Raoul, which explains why played the role in Phantom's 25th Anniversary performance) and technical difficulties with the animatronics, it's safe to say the production on top of the development hell was The Room levels of a nightmare. In fact, it got so bad that it nearly caused Tony winning lighting designer Paule Constable to quit theatre work for good.
So with everything turning into a huge disaster behind the scenes, the show officially opened on March 9th 2010 after two weeks of previews starring the aforementioned Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess alongside Summer Strallen as Meg Giry, Liz Robertson as Madame Giry and Joseph Miller and Raoul, and...
The show was immediately panned from fans and critics, where despite strong acting from Ramin Karimloo and Sierra Boggess (to the point they'd mercifully reprise their roles for Phantom's 25th anniversary concert), they couldn't make up for the clunky story on par with bad fanfiction, uninspired production design, music that didn't hold a candle to the original, and characters so unlikable that it made Lestat look like the Citizen Kane of musicals. Not only were the planned Broadway and Shanghai productions "indefinitely postponed," but Lloyd Webber closed the show for three days to rework the script with Phantom lyricist Charles Hart and choreographer Bill Dreamer. Rumours surfaced that the ending would be changed after backlash, but reopened again in December with invitation for critics. It was better received, but not by a long stretch. It finally closed on August 27th 2011 due to poor box office despite constant ticket discounts (including free for children. Yes the show with alcoholism, adulterous sex resulting in a child and prostitution allowed children). Believe me, even the performances (yes that was a plural, mostly because of Ramin who was literally the only thing worth watching this mess of a musical) I went to were uncomfortably empty and the changes did nothing to improve it. Andrew stated while he was proud of this production, he admitted it didn't completely work and that "something just went slightly wrong; I had cancer just before the production, and it was just that crucial 5% off-beam".
So after that disaster, you'd think that would be the end of Love Never Dies and Andrew Lloyd Webber would move on to his next projects, right?

So now that the definitive version of Love Never Dies was made, it's not like the show needed reworking again, right?
Another retooled production opened in Copenhagen in October 2012 and lasted until April 2013. Not long after, a concert production was held in Vienna in October 2013 starring Drew Sarich as The Phantom & Millica Jovanovic as Christine. So now living in infamy with Phans, audiences and critics and fading into obscurity, this when Love Never Dies finally dies, right?
Fast forward to 2016 when a US Tour that nobody asked for was announced and opened in New York 2017 with the same production design as the Australian version & rewrites as the Hamburg production. Unsurprisingly, the show bombed critically and financially, but Webber still expressed hopes of a limited Broadway run. Announced a return to the UK with a tour which would feature the retooling. but was delated due to the COVID-19 pandemic (as is pretty much every show at the moment).
Now that we've gone through the trainwreck of a musical from idea to stage show, we can go into when and why did it fail? Was it when his cat deleted the music? Nope. Because the score still would've been hacked and recycled. Was it when Andrew refused to listen to Glenn Slater's doubts? Partly, except Slater still got involved with the show. Was it when all the collaboration with Frederick Forsyth fell through? Not really, because his book is still credited as the basis for the show. Was it because of the production issues? Hmm...kinda! All of these contribute to the show's failure, but I have a three main reasons why this show failed.

Second, the fanbase (at least certain portions). Because a number of Phantom/Christine shippers tended to romanticize the Phantom and focus on his seductiveness and tragic backstory, they seemed to forget his arc in the show was not to kill people, force a woman to marry him against her will and terrorize everyone with his childish demands. Because of this, it felt like the story had to cater towards them shippers by turning it into a fix-it-fic, otherwise it would be a flop. Backfiring horribly, the fans still cried foul play on the script once it was revealed to the point that there were blogs devoted to hating on the show (notably Paint Never Dries and Love Should Die). It got so bad that Andrew tried to shed the blame the show's failure onto them instead of admitting Love Never Dies was objectively a terrible show. While I think there was blood boiled on both sides and was blown out of proportion, the haters ironically gave Love Never Dies the attention it didn't want because it meant (the few) people wanted to see if it just as bad as they said it was (something Netflix seems to have taken advantage of in its programming lately).
Third, the creative team (of which there's thousands). Because Andrew was the only person involved with the original and sequel until Charles Hart came in for the rewrites, none of his collaborators could help him agree on a single vision for the show. With his tendency to be perfectionist from the score to the visuals, it doesn't really help that none of the writing team, were suited for the stage work, let alone a romantic gothic musical that was a follow-up to arguably his greatest work. It's honestly not hard to see why there have been so many incarnations, and they feel like they've been ways to make up for the terrible writing no matter how many times they try to convince us it's worth reviving over and over again. The worst part about these rewrites is they're all surface level. When you look at the bigger picture, every production has identical story beats and that's because of Webber's refusal to change. Smoke and mirrors aren't going to nor constantly mining in on the nostalgia of its original is just remind people of how much better it is. The most egrgious being the musical cues including the latest incarnation featuring the vocal riff from The Phantom of the Opera song which is what causes the Phantom to suspect he's Gustave's father alongside pl(so long 'TEN YEARS OOOOOOOOOLD!') as it's a piece of music only he & Christine know & Gustave claims never heard it from anyone else. Apparently music is a genetic trait. Further tensions and production problems being highlighted in the media couldn't help but have a negative light on the show, no matter how much everyone tried rationalizing it. And given how rushed the story felt with its plot holes, filler musical numbers and continuity problems, it's pretty clear nobody took Andrew to the side to tell him there's a reason why any form of writing has things called cutting, editing and feedback.
So with everything said and done, now we have the real question: How do you make a worthy sequel to a classic book and musical? Well, that's actually simple: