Friday 20 July 2012

Just wanna let you know I met Sierra Boggess a couple of days ago at the stage door of Les Miz, I just need to post the photos of me with her. She's lovely & so cheerful, she even told me she loves playing Christine when she signed my Phantom 25th programme & I congratulated her on her engagement to Tam Mutu. They're so adorable!

Thursday 19 July 2012

Ultimate Dream Roles If I Could Sing!

1) Christine Daae! She's definitely a dream role for me because of her personality & amazing voice, as well as the plot revolving around her choice for her loves, with a certain one being the most seductive man alive!

2) Eponine! I would just love to play a character I can feel empathy for, since she has an unrequited love which she's so devoted to, she ends up dying because of her love for Marius.

3)  Fantine! Despite her role being minor, she does have a large importance with Jean Valjean's plot & she sings possibly the most iconic song in the show! I would also love to play a character who would do anything for the people she loves & that's what Fantine clearly does, since she sells her hair & becomes a prostitute for her daughter. 

4) Elphaba! Her determination & sympathy are certainly highlighted throughout & I can really relate to her being ostracised & becoming an outcast due to her being different & for her beliefs about Animal rights & the Wizard's corrupt politics.  

5) Nancy from Oliver! Her witty & motherly personality towards Oliver & her undying love for abusive Bill Sykes certainly show she's a worthy character to play, with her solo As Long As He Needs Me being a crowd pleaser & also showing her vulnerability & her love for Bill.

6) Ariel! She's my favourite Disney Princess & the Broadway show showed Ariel was determined to do anything for her love, even if it means disobeying her parents & giving up her voice even though Eric wanted to marry her for her voice. Also, her spunky personality & not being as passive in the show also make me want to play he even more!

7) Eva Peron, mainly because of her commitment to Argentina & her determination to become a star, but in the end shows her love for the people of her country & her realization that her husband genuinely loves her for herself instead of what she could do for his career as President of Argentina.

8) Carlotta Giudicelli! I know that sounds strange, but I would want to have a go at playing a unique character compared to others I'd like to play, and she is more of a funny villain & is very over the top & the ultimate diva!

9) Louise/Gypsy Rose Lee! I would love to have a go at playing a shy tomboy turned sophisticated burlesque dancer who asserts her independence! Also I love her costumes from the 2008 revival & I can really relate to her being pushed around by her mother & being thrust into show-business at a young age & being neglected as a child.
10) Linda from Blood Brothers! Kind & compassionate towards Mickey, who she eventually marries, she's also very trustworthy & genuinely loves Mickey, despite putting up with his drug addiction & her affair with his brother Eddie.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Sunday 15 July 2012

Cosette vs. Johanna

I was thinking while watching clips of the Sweeney Todd film & Les Miz & I was thinking Johanna & Cosette are quite similar.

  • They both have pretty soprano voices.
  • They fall in love at first sight (Anthony & Marius).
  • They're both raised by men who aren't their fathers
  • Their mothers die (Even though Johanna wasn't aware the beggar was her mother)
  • They both yearn to be free from their loneliness.
  • They both have blonde hair (depending on the actress in Les Miz i.e Camilla Kerslake, Amanda Seyfried)
  • They're both serenaded by their loves which become their theme songs (Johanna/Kiss Me & A Heart Full of Love)
  • Their roles are condensed in different adaptations (2007 Sweeney Todd film & Les Miz musical)
What do you think? If there are any other similarities I've missed let me know!

Sharon Millerchip Collage!